To celebrate World Wetlands Day, during this morning outing we will visit Kelly’s Swamp and Jerrabomberra Creek. Depending on numbers, the group may be divided into two, so a volunteer to lead a possible second group would be appreciated. Bring hat, sunscreen, water and, if you have one, a telescope. Meet at 7.30am in the carpark at the end of Dairy Road, Fyshwick. No booking required.
Sun 31 January 2016 07:30am
Sue LashkoPost event report
No doubt due to the torrential rain and high winds at bedtime the night before, only 7 souls appeared for the 7.30am start to the annual walk to celebrate World Wetlands Day. The morning was initially misty but cleared to give perfect light for birding. Participants ranged from very experienced to absolute newcomers but everyone was able to enjoy excellent scope views of an Intermediate Egret, Freckled and Pink-eared Duck and Australian Shoveler, as well as the usual ducks and waterhens. Of the three Freckled Ducks seen, one male had a particularly striking red base to the bill. Only one Latham’s Snipe was seen and by one person only, but most had a good view of a Baillon’s Crake sitting still in the sun on a bent reed. The Australian Reed-Warblers took a while to dry out and warm up, initially from the tops of casuarinas and eucalypts, but soon they were clamouring away from the reeds and flying to and fro. We had good views of Golden-headed Cisticolas which were calling from every patch of tall grass, and we heard at least two Little Grassbirds. One or more members of a family of Dollarbirds did frequent flybys, and female Australian Darters soared overhead. A Nankeen Night-Heron flushed from casuarinas near the river. A very pleasant morning’s birding yielded 59 species.