Jerrabomberra Grasslands West (or horse paddocks)

Sun 03 December 2017 07:30am

Ryu Callaway

Meet at the southern entrance to the reserve, on the western side of the Monaro Hwy about 400m north of the Lanyon Dr intersection at 7:30am. If coming down Monaro from the north, I believe there is a small crossing across the median, but it may be safer to turn around in Hume or there is a roundabout some way down Lanyon Dr. Parking is very limited – the entrance is immediately adjacent to a driveway of a private property, so when parking do not block the driveway or the designated bicycle lane, and please, please carpool if possible. Hopefully the grass verge will be mown which would make parking easier.  We will traverse through the grassland to the excellent woodland at the back, which is often host to a good range of summer migrants such as Rufous Songlark, bronze-cuckoos, woodswallows, Tree Martins, and gerygones, as well as some scarcer species like Diamond Firetail and Southern Whiteface.
It is a decent trek through the grasslands, so bring sun protection and plenty of water, and appropriate dress for snakes.

Post event report

Ten members and guests decided to risk the weather and explore this little-visited grassland and woodland. A very friendly farm dog greeted us briefly before undertaking some determined surveillance of the numerous rabbit warrens on the adjoining private property.

Despite rain threatening at one stage we remained dry and managed to see 49 species. A Peregrine Falcon as we walked up from the gate was a good start. The highlights for the morning were a pair of Varied Sittellas feeding several young in a nest, a Western Gerygone in a nest very low in a bush, a number of Southern Whiteface, Nankeen Kestrels observed entering a hollow and carrying food (two different locations), a Rufous Whistler on a nest, many parrots at nest hollows, two Wedge-tailed Eagle nests (not sure if either was in use), and the sighting by one member of the group of a Red-capped Robin.  Well worth a return visit!

Sandra Henderson

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