Eden pelagics

Sat 03 September 2016 06:45am

Sandra Henderson & Anthony Overs

As usual, COG will be running two spring pelagic trips, on 3 and 4 September, from Eden. With early places offered to those who missed out on the March trip, there are a very limited number of places now available each day.

To participate, you need to be at the Eden Wharf by 6.45am on the day of the trip (returning by around 3pm). The cost is $110 per person per day, payable by July 31. The September trips nearly always see a number of whales, as well as a variety of seabirds such as albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters.

If interested, please contact me. Please don’t pay until I’ve confirmed you have a place.

Sandra Henderson, shirmax2931@gmail.com

Post event report

Unfortunately the 3 September outing was cancelled because of the forecast for that day of strong winds, very high seas and offshore thunderstorms – and those of us already in Eden were very glad not to be on a boat in the Saturday weather which ensued.


Sunday was fine and sunny, although the wind did pick up late morning and we made the trip back to Eden from the shelf in fairly trying conditions. Of particular interest were four Albatross species (Shy, Black-browed, Yellow-nosed and Wandering – the latter did not stay around, but was a thrill nonetheless), three Storm-Petrel species (Wilsons, Grey-backed and White-faced) and quite a few Fairy Prions dancing along the slick. Several Humpback Whales were sighted well out from the coast, and the Common Dolphins put on a good show, leaping out of the water beside the boat. One large shark, a small group of seals, and a sunfish were seen by several on board, all well out from Eden.

An ebird list is available – ‘COG outings’ list for 7am on 4 Sept for Offshore — Eden pelagic.

Many thanks to Anthony for his ID skills and general advice and expertise on the day.

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