The well made and maintained path between Kambah Pool and Pine Island offers a clear and fairly easy walk to Red Rocks Gorge along (although mostly well above) the Murrumbidgee River. It is about 2.5 km to the Gorge with a steepish down and up (roughly 30 metres elevation) about half way along, where the path dips to the river. There is potential for interesting sightings, including the famed Peregrine Falcons that nest at the Gorge, although it is a bit before their nesting season. Bring water and something for morning tea.
Today, Thursday 4/7/19, I easily (for me) crossed the Murrumbidgee River at the lookout downstream from Red Rocks.
If there is at least one other person on this Saturday’s (6/7/19) COG walk, who fancy’s a little rock hopping, some pushing uphill through a bit of bush and then exploring the west side of the Bullen Range, they should bring lunch, plenty of water, usual off track gear, and a sense of wonder as to what we might find. No guarantee there will be any different birds to those we see between Kambah Pool and Red Rocks, but you will get a good workout.
If we do cross the river, those who don’t feel so inclined could take the path back to the Kambah Pool earlier than those who cross.
Meet Michael Robbins at 9 am at the car park at the south end of Kambah Pool, second turning left after you cross the cattle gird at the entry to the Bullen Range Nature Reserve