The Brindabella National Park lies along the range west of Canberra, and is notorious as being the epicentre of the 2003 Canberra bushfires. It receives few visit from birders so we will use this opportunity to fill in some gaps in COG’s bird distribution data for the summer season. We will explore a number of sites in the Park, driving from one to another. Four wheel drive vehicles are essential. People without such vehicles will have an opportunity to carpool with 4WD owners, subject to space being available. Suggested contribution from each passenger to drivers: $10. Rendezvous at 7.30 am for carpooling at the Bushfire Memorial car park in Stromlo Forest Park, off Swallowtail Road, Wright, 35 19 28S, 149 01 41E. We will return mid-afternoon. Bring water, lunch and (optionally) swimming togs. Registration for this trip is essential. For further information, or to register, please contact the trip leader, David McDonald, at phone 6238 3706, mobile 0416 231 890, or email The trip will be cancelled if a total fire ban is in force, or if the fire danger rating is ‘severe’ or higher.