Note change of date as Uriarra Road will be closed on Saturday 14 September due to ACT Duathlon Championships. The outing has been moved to the following day.
Bluett’s Block is one of the few remaining areas of natural bushland containing heath in the south of Canberra. We need to appreciate this wonderful heathland and varied habitat, where orchids can be found in the springtime and before the encroaching suburb of Denman Prospect makes an impact. I find that this is one of the best birding areas in all of the south of Canberra, for its seasonal diversity and for regular species such as Chestnut-rumped Heathwren , Eastern Yellow Robin, White-throated Treecreeper, Scarlet Robin, thornbills, whistlers, pardalotes, parrots and birds of prey. Especially in springtime, the well -groomed fire trail walks are ringing with birdcalls. Red-necked Wallabies and a few kangaroos are also seen when they thump away through Red Stringybark trees. There are also very fine views from the top of the hills all around Canberra.
The walk will commence at 8.30am. To get to the start of the walk, drive from Stromlo Forest Park for 2 km on Uriarra Road, at which point you will see on your left the end of a bicycle track which runs parallel to Uriarra Road. Park near the gate on the left hand side of the road. Please take care, as cars often travel along here very fast.
This will mostly be an uphill walk but we will take it in gentle stages to listen. Please wear sturdy walking shoes and bring water to drink. All are welcome and there is no need to book.