Birrigai Rock Shelter

Wed 16 April 2014 09:00am

Martin Butterfield

Meet at Tidbinbilla Visitors Centre at 9 am

Post event report

Wednesday 16 April – Tidbinbilla

Twenty-four members and guests gathered in the carpark at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve on a perfect autumn day. Today was definitely a day with a lot of Flame Robins.  At one point, as we approached the Kunzea ericoides above the open grass paddock near the start, 12 ‘brown birds” (ie females or juveniles) were visible on the mullein stalks and rocks while 4 male birds had flaunted their luridness earlier. Mixed in with these was a single Scarlet Robin (unclear whether a female or a male just coming into colour).   Then a male Hooded Robin and 2 females were also sighted.   The final robin noted was an Eastern Yellow Robin lurking just within the boundary of the Kunzea, and a second later in the vicinity of the rock shelter. There were also at least 26 Dusky Woodswallows swooping around the grassland.  They seemed to be enjoying tormenting the Robins.
Entering the woodland two Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes were seen.  This was followed by 6 Diamond Firetails (a 7th was seen later when we re-entered the grassland).  3 Wedge-tailed Eagles were soaring overhead, two of them very high.


A Crescent Honeyeater was heard calling and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters were steadily migrating through the area, heading over towards the Bullen Range.  In total we recorded 44 species.


Martin Butterfield

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