This morning walk will be the first for 2016 aimed specifically to help beginners and new members identify birds and to learn about their behaviour and calls. The Botanic Gardens are especially suitable for such an outing, as they allow the opportunity to observe a range of local bush birds in a variety of habitats. Due to the available food supply they are also a relative haven for birds during late autumn/winter. Anthony Overs will lead this outing, which will consist of a stroll through this lovely part of Canberra for a couple of hours. Meet at 9.15am at the ANBG bus shelter. Registration is essential. Please book your place with Anthony (0419202155, or, who will be happy to discuss whether this outing is suitable for you. Please make sure to bring your binoculars and field guide.
Sat 07 May 2016 09:15am
Anthony OversPost event report
Nine members and guests met at the bus shelter for the annual ANBG beginners’ outing. While it was a beautiful morning, the birds were not especially cooperative, although most of the usual suspects were seen or heard during the walk. Highlights were some good views of Spotted Pardalotes, numerous White-browed Scrub-Wrens, Crimson Rosellas and Red Wattlebirds. We noted 22 species in total. Many thanks to Anthony for leading the outing and providing such good advice to the newcomers. The second beginners’ outing for the year will be at Lake Ginninderra on 6 August.