SPOT THAT BIRD #1 – free beginners’ bird walks

Sat 21 June 2014 08:00am

Guided bird walk through the Botanic Gardens

As part of our 50th year celebrations, COG is running free SPOT THAT BIRD walks in the National Botanic Gardens. Tony Lawson and Neil Hermes will guide beginners around the delights of the common birds in gardens.

If you don’t know the difference between your treecreeper or honeyeater or think a Peewee is a baby magpie, this event is for you.

Date      Saturday 21 June and Saturday 19 July

Time      8.00am to 9.30am

Place      Front gates Botanic Gardens (next to end of Frith Road off Clunies Ross St)

Cost       Free event

Bring binoculars if you have them and join us for coffee at the Cafe after if you wish. Further information Neil Hermes 0413 828 045.

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