May Meeting

Wed 10 May 2017 07:30pm

Neil Hermes - Norfolk Island Green Parrot
Chris Davey - Phillip Island - past, present and future

This month there will be two presentations of roughly equal length.

The first will be by Neil Hermes on the Norfolk Island Green Parrot.

The endemic birds of Norfolk Island will be discussed.  The changes in populations over the past 500 hundred years will be presented.  The circumstances of all the bird species in the past 100 years, in particular the Norfolk Island Green Parrot, will be reviewed. The work done to save the parrot in the past 30 years leading to its reintroduction onto Phillip Island will be described.

This will be followed by Chris Davey on Phillip Island – past, present and future.

Phillip Island is part of the Norfolk Island Group and situated approximately 6 km south of Norfolk Island.  The presentation will cover the history of the island since European settlement and habitat degradation and subsequent recovery associated with feral animals.  COG involvement with bird surveys on the island in 1978 and again in 2015 will be discussed and compared with a survey conducted in 2005.  Future plans, in particular those regarding the endemic sub-species of the Red-fronted Parakeet (Norfolk Island Green Parrot), will also be presented.

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