March meeting

Wed 12 March 2014 07:30pm

THREE presentations --  (1) The second in a series on COG's history, (2) Laura Johnson asks “Do red wattlebirds identify koels as enemies?”, (3) Geoffrey Dabb on the Gang-gang Cockatoo.

There will be three shortish presentations this month.
The first speaker will give a presentation on an aspect of COG’s history in relation to COG’s 50th Anniversary celebrations.
This will be followed by Laura Johnson, an Honours student at the ANU, on ‘Koel, Calm and Collected’ – responses of naive Canberran wattlebirds to an unfamiliar enemy.
Finally Geoffrey Dabb will give the very topical presentation entitled “A few points about Canberra’s Gang-gangs”. As identification is not really an issue with this species, this talk will look at occurrence, evolution, plumages and food preferences. It will draw on images obtained over many years observing the local comings and goings.

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