June Meeting

Wed 08 June 2022 07:30pm

Jack Holland - Forty seven years of local birding
Neil Hermes - The Garden Bird Survey

The June meeting will again be a normal face-to-face one held at our usual venue, but as school virus rules for after-hours public meetings in school premises remain unchanged (see under Events on https://www.education.act.gov.au/public-school-life/covid-school-arrangements/school-advice) you will still need to wear a mask and also check in using the Check in CBR QR code, as noted in the COG COVID Safety Plan available on the COG web site (COG-CGGS-Checklist-COVID-19_09Mar22.pdf).

The short presentation will be by Jack Holland on “Forty seven years of local birding”.

Jack will discuss some of the changes observed during his 47 years of local birding in Chapman/Rivett, with an emphasis on some of the more common species and their daily movement.

This will be a lead in for the main presentation by Neil Hermes on “The Garden Bird Survey”.

Neil will discuss the origins, aims and history of the survey, illustrate its value by using some examples that can obtained from the very extensive data over its 42 year history, as well as outlining his plans for the future of the project.

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