The short talk will be given by GBS coordinator Duncan McCaskill on “A short
overview of the Garden Bird Survey which is about to enter its 36th year of
operation – what it is, a reminder of the rules for participants and few
interesting results from it.”
The main presentation will be by Tim Burnard, National Coordinator of the
National Mallefowl Recovery team on “The national Malleefowl monitoring
effort: community, databases and adaptive management”.
Malleefowl are truly amazing birds but are a threatened species, listed
nationally as well as in each state within their range (WA, SA, Vic, NSW and
NT). There is a National Recovery Team and a Recovery Plan. A major part of
the National Team work is to organise national monitoring and entry of all
data to a national database. This process uses some innovative ideas.
Aggregate data is regularly analysed and is being used in an exciting
Australia wide Adaptive Management (AM) Project to help identify what are
the main threats to the species.