There will again be three shorter presentations at the July meeting.
The first presentation on an aspect of COG’s history in relation to COG’s 50th Anniversary celebrations will be by Michael Lenz on “History of COG’s waterbird surveys: Lake George and Lake Bathurst”.
Next Geoffrey Dabb will give one of his unique Bird of the Month presentations, entitled “A few points about Governor King’s Parrot”.
The final presentation will also be by Michael Lenz on “Roost flight observations at Mt Majura”.
A number of species of birds roost communally outside the breeding season. Examples of this behaviour can be readily observed in Canberra. For example, all our Parrots, Welcome Swallows, Crested Pigeons, Pied Currawongs, Starlings, and Common Mynas go to sleep in groups. However, even for common species we often only have limited information on aspects of their roosting habits and associated behaviours. In this short presentation, Michael will present his observations on roost flight for five bird species.