January Meeting – COG MEMBERS NIGHT

Wed 13 January 2021 07:30pm

COG Members’ Night – 7:30 pm, St James Uniting Church Hall, Curtin

The traditional COG Members’ Night will again be held at: 

VENUE – St James Uniting Church Hall, off Gillies St, Curtin

Following the approval of our COVID-safe plan, COG will hold our January Members’ Night as a face-to-face meeting.

Seating will be arranged so that there is only one person per 2 sq m and with 1.5 m distancing, except for members of the same family group, with a maximum of 72 people. All attendees must practice good hand and respiratory hygiene and stay home if unwell.

As required by the ACT Government for application of the 2 sq m per person rule, the ‘Check In CBR’ app will be used to collect participants contact details, using the QR code displayed at the entrance to the St James Hall. If attendees do not have or can not share this app, COG will provide a blank sheet for these participants to record their names and contact details.  Attendees should make themselves familiar with COG’s approved COVID-safe plan.

Tea/coffee/biscuits will be available after the meeting as usual and attendees will be permitted to bring their own food for personal consumption.

There will be the usual monthly raffle.

The program

John Harris – Red-browed Finches, juvenile Koels and more; Gungahlin as a birding hot-spot.
Ned Johnston – A Young Member’s Experiences with COG
Suzanne Edgar – Readings from poems about birds by Australian poets
John Hurrell – My First Two Years of Bird Watching and Photography/Stony Creek
Con Boekel – Celebrating Birds

Parking and entry details

There is parking for at least 30 cars in the car park off Gillies Street, and further parking in Gillies St itself, or across the road at the Curtin shops.  Please use the entrance on the Eastern side next to the Good Shepherd Anglican Church and by going under the Chocolate Bear Playgroup sign.


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