The traditional COG Members’ Night will be held as a face-to-face meeting at 7:30 pm, 11 January 2023:
VENUE – St James Uniting Church Hall, off Gillies St, Curtin
Attendees should heed social distancing and good hygiene practice etc., and use their common sense and stay home if they have COVID symptoms.
Mask wearing is recommended.
Tea/coffee/biscuits will be available afterwards.
There will be the usual monthly raffle.
Parking and entry details
There is parking for at least 30 cars in the car park off Gillies Street, and further parking in Gillies St itself, or across the road at the Curtin shops.
Please use the entrance on the Eastern side next to the Good Shepherd Anglican Church and by going under the Chocolate Bear Playgroup sign.
The program
Jack Holland – Show and tell
Suzanne Edgar – reading some of her poems
Margot Oorebeek – BirdLife Australia – ACT-Yass Birds on Farms project
Doug Laing – HOW TO BEAT BOREDOM DURING COVID LOCKDOWN – tracking Superb parrots in Waramanga
David Dedenczuk – My recent birding trip to Newcastle
Nicki Taws – Summary of the 2022 COG Blitz