February Meeting – ONLINE

Wed 09 February 2022 07:30pm

Nicki Taws - Preliminary findings of the 2021 annual COG Bird Blitz.
Ross Crates - An update on Regent Honeyeaters from the Difficult Bird Research Group.

The first presentation will be by the Blitz coordinator Nicki Taws who will provide the preliminary findings of the 2021 annual COG Bird Blitz.

The main presentation will be by Ross Crates, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the ANU’s Fenner School of Environment and Society, givingAn update on Regent Honeyeaters from the Difficult Bird Research Group.”

In the talk Ross will discuss Regent Honeyeater songs and the loss of their song culture, the recent study on population viability analysis and what we will need to do to save Regent Honeyeaters from extinction, as well as the results of Noisy Miner management in some key Regent Honeyeater breeding areas.

Please note that, with the current COVID omicron variant outbreak, the February COG meeting will be held on-line.  COG members and guests will be able to log into the meeting through the regular webinar link for COG Members Meetings:


Please do this around 10 minutes before the 7:30 pm start of the meeting, so that you can enter your name and e-mail address to join the Webinar.

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