February Meeting

Wed 10 February 2021 07:30pm

Jack Holland - The Rise and Rise of the Eastern Koel in the ACT
Nicki Taws - Preliminary findings of the 2020 annual COG Bird Blitz


***Attendees please read the COVID procedures on the meetings main page***


The first and main presentation will be by Jack Holland on The Rise and Rise of the Eastern Koel in the ACT.

 The Eastern Koel is a relatively recent arrival in the ACT, with the first report being in December 1985.  Since that time numbers have increased almost exponentially, particularly following the first report of its local breeding in 2009.  Since a fledgling was first observed in his Chapman garden in January 2014, Jack has had a very keen interest in this species and has since published yearly summaries of the Koels in his local area, as well as, with the help of many observers, summaries for the past 4 seasons of Koel activity throughout the ACT.  In this presentation he will summarise some of the interesting facts, including some surprising ones, he has learnt about the distribution, activity and breeding of the Eastern Koel in the ACT, and show that there’s still lots to be discovered about this enigmatic species.

Following this the Blitz co-ordinator Nicki Taws will present the preliminary findings of the 2020 annual COG Bird Blitz, and will then hand out the prizes.

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