The two presentations this month will be by long-time COG members.
The short presentation will be by Stuart Rae on “Local or not so local Little Eagles”. This will give details of their breeding status in 2017-2018 and an update on the movements of the bird currently being tracked by satellite.
The main presentation will be by Richard Allen on “Birds at the Weddin Mountains – some results from a long-term study.”
Since 1986 Richard has coordinated a banding project adjacent to the Weddin Mountains National Park near Grenfell NSW. With the assistance of many participants (including COG members) thirty years of banding data and observations has been collected. Richard will present some of the findings including long term trends and seasonal variations, as well as a few surprises.
Stuart Rae – Local or not so local Little Eagles
Richard Allen – Birds at the Weddin Mountains – some results from a long-term study