Cuumbeun NR

Sun 19 July 2020 09:00am

Lia Battisson

Cuumbeun Nature Reserve is on the corner of Kings Highway and Captains Flat Road.  Whilst the Reserve covers an area on both sides of Captains Flat Road, on this occasion we will walk a 5 km loop through the southern side of the Reserve.  Meet at 9am at the entrance on Captains Flat Road, just over 1 km from the intersection with the Kings Highway, on the righthand side of the road.  Take extreme care when crossing over to the parking area by the gate.  We will walk on fire trails, where there is ample room for appropriate physical distancing.  Other than a couple of short uphill stretches it is easy walking, but ensure that you have comfortable, sturdy footwear.  Bring morning tea with you in case we go over a couple of hours.

Registration is essential, to – provide your name and phone number.

Information about the Reserve is at the following website, although it is old:

Post event report

Fourteen members gathered on a still, mild morning to walk a 5 km loop on the south-eastern side of Captains Flat Road.  We walked at a leisurely pace.  It was really quiet on the bird front, with just 22 species observed, but participants were content to enjoy the outdoors in this nice piece of woodland, on what was a wonderful winter’s day.  Fortunately, we came across an occasional mixed feeding flock near to the track, which held our attention for a while.  Several White-eared Honeyeaters made themselves known, and some of us managed a quick glimpse of a Wedge-tailed Eagle before it disappeared over the horizon.  Brown-headed Honeyeaters were the other highlight of the day, as well as the call of a Fan-tailed Cuckoo.

Lia Battisson

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