Bluetts Block

Sun 29 April 2018 08:00am

Jean Casburn

The walk will start at 8am.  There is no need to book.

Bluetts is a densely forested reserve with extensive heath in much of the understory.  A fire trail leads up a steep hill from the entrance gate and there are some pleasing views across Denman Prospect towards Black Mountain.  Bird and flower species vary throughout the year, and the forest rings with birdcalls.  Chestnut-rumped Heathwren are known to breed here.

The walk will also traverse some grassland off track. Sturdy boots or shoes are suggested because stones on the slope of the fire trail can be slippery.

How to get to Bluetts: from the Stromlo Forest Park roundabout, travel about 2.5km along Uriarra Road to where a bicycle path enters the roadside on the left hand side of the road. Park near the gateway on the left hand side of the road. Be careful if turning across the road at this point as traffic flows swiftly.

Jean Casburn

Post event report

On this cloudy morning with rain a low probability, 17 esteemed birders gathered for the 2.45 hour walk around some parts of Bluetts Block. This was as much an orientation visit for those who were new to the ‘block’ as much as for birdwatching. Surprisingly in spite of the very dry conditions 33 species including 8 or more very attractive Scarlet Robins, Yellow Robins, Golden Whistlers, and White-eared Honeyeaters were seen and heard. Also seen were White-throated Treecreepers, a Speckled Warbler, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Crimson Rosella, Buffrumped, Brown and Striated Thornbill. Views from two places in the ‘block’ were much appreciated by the group. From a high point along the main track it was possible to look over the newly developing suburbs of Molongolo and further towards Black Mountain Tower and distant suburbs. Then again this enthusiastic group of walkers were keen to walk up to the trig station and take in the almost 365 degree views to the west and again over Canberra. The Wide Brown Land Sculpture and Arboretum were visible from here. This must have been a very pleasing morning as there were smiles on faces at the conclusion of the trip. Many thanks once again to Sandra Henderson for being the scribe. Jean Casburn

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