Strepera graculina
Pied Currawongs are primarily forest inhabitants but they have adapted very well to suburban and even urban environments. Historically, numbers peaked in winter as birds moved down from the ranges and formed large, noisy, conspicuous flocks. They were relatively scarce in summer though, as birds moved back to higher altitudes to breed. Winter flocks are now smaller and summer numbers have steadily increased to more than double those recorded at the start of the survey. The Pied Currawong is now a very common breeding species in Canberra’s gardens.
Nesting generally begins in July and nests with eggs or young can occur until January. Dependent young are seen from September to March with a peak in December. A complete breeding event appears to take about 15 weeks. Because the Pied Currawong is an accomplished predator of eggs, nestlings and fledglings in its breeding season, the marked increase in suburban breeding could have a significant and continuing impact on the breeding success of other birds. R=4. BR=2.