Yellow-rumped Thornbill

Acanthiza chrysorrhoa

The Yellow-rumped Thornbill prefers grassy woodland with some scattered fallen timber, feeding mostly on the ground. It has adapted very well to the mown grass of the suburbs, breeding readily in urban parkland, if not gardens. Its feeding habits, distinctive yellow rump and persistent twittering make it the most conspicuous of the thornbill group. Numbers are greatest from March until June, declining in September. Numbers over the years have been remarkably stable.

This is one of only two small native birds (the other is the Silvereye) with many breeding records. The large conspicuous nests are easily seen generally in low foliage, often with vocal dependent young. They are well known for beginning nesting in winter and have a long breeding season. Nest building starts as early as May with dependent young recorded until late February. A full breeding event takes from 10 to 12 weeks. There are indications that some pairs may nest more than once in a summer. R=18. BR=13.
