Public Forum: Landscapes for Birds – conserving and enhancing their habitats

Sat 05 July 2014 01:30pm

A free public Forum in celebration of COG's 50th Anniversary year

Birds habitats are under threat and some species continue to decline in our region against a background of loss of habitats and other factors, including urban expansion into greenfields.  Connectivity of habitats so birds and other animals can move across the landscape is critical, particularly against a background of a changing climate.  This Forum will focus on the importance of landscape scale conservation and restoration/enhancement of habitats for birds, including citizen science studies, research, community/landholder engagement and on the ground work in the ACT and nearby NSW.  Contemporary issues impacting on habitat conservation such as loss of connectivity, offsets policies and loss of mature trees will also be discussed.

Speakers will include:  Dr Adrian Manning, Australian National University (Fenner School); Dr Veronica Doerr, CSIRO; Rainer Rehwinkel, Ecosystems & Threatened Species, Office of Environment & Heritage (NSW Government); Nicki Taws, Greening Australia ACT; Chris Davey, Canberra Ornithologists Group

An exhibition of bird photographs by COG members in the Exhibition room upstairs will be open from 30 June to 5 July, and can be viewed prior to the Forum.

Mick Gentleman, MLA, will open the Forum.

Time and Place:

1.30pm – 4.30pm     Arrival and registration from 1pm
ACT Legislative Assembly, Reception Room, London Circuit, CIVIC, ACT
(Public Entrance in Civic Square – next to the fountain)

 How to Book/Register:

Seats can only be reserved through on-line booking. Otherwise, seats subject to availability on the day.   Venue has 100 seat capacity.


Detailed Program


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